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Some culture for your counter...

...and some counter for the culture

Discover the future of Conservative, Catholic, and Christian art


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Sacred Hearth

The Holy Family and Divine Love

Immerse yourself in the first issue of our literary magazine. Sacred Hearth is a collection of poems, prose, essays, and art on the inspiration of the Holy Family and the indispensable role of every family in creating a just society.

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The Vision


Voice & Virtue aims to reignite emotion and artistry in the socially conservative movement by fostering a vibrant community of writers and readers inspired by faith, culture, and conviction.​



The Mission


In service to that vision, we are a literary journal and publishing house dedicated to showcasing works that embody faith, tradition, and conservative values...

Submit Your Work

We are always excited to read the work of new and emerging artists! There are opportunities to submit to our literary journal, our blog, and more.

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