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Issue 01 Cover_edited_edited.png

Submission Guidelines

​We seek poetry, flash/micro fiction, nonfiction, photography, and art with Catholic, Christian, or Socially Conservative themes for our journal. You may submit once per reading period. A submission may contain pieces in multiple categories.


To submit, please compose a single email with the subject "FirstName LastName - [Category] Submission" (Example: Patrick Kavanagh - Poetry Submission) and attach your pieces according to the guidelines below. 


Send your submission to voicexvirtue [at]


  • Attach 1-5 poems as either one Word Document or one PDF with "Poetry" in the attachment's title

  • Please have your poems formatted in Times New Roman 12pt. font

  • There are no limitations on structure, but keep in mind that we prefer poems to be no more than two pages long

  • Also note that while we do consider rhyming poetry, we prefer free verse or other non-rhyming forms


  • Prose is distinct from poetry in that it has a more natural flow of speech & structure

  • Attach 1-3 pieces as either one Word Document of one PDF with "Prose" in the attachement's title

  • Please have the pieces formatted flush left, 1.5 or double spaced, in Times New Roman 12pt font

  • Submissions should fall between 200 - 500 words


  • Attach 1-2 pieces as either one Word Document or one PDF with "Nonfiction" in the attachment's title

  • Please have the pieces formatted flush left, 1.5 or double spaced, in Times New Roman 12pt font

  • ​Pieces should be between 200-1000 words

  • We prefer to publish nonfiction pieces that have some creative aspect to them; not strictly devotional, biographical, or scholarly.​

Art and Photography

  • Attach 1-5 visual art pieces or photographs in separate PNG or JPEG files

  • The title of each attachment should be the title of the piece. Please check to make sure that the pieces have quality resolution before sending.

  • ​Please provide along with your pieces a short description or artist's statement.​

  • If there is not clear symbology in the art itself, we encourage you to consider how your title or artist's statement might make the Christian, Catholic, and/or socially conservative themes clear to the viewer.

In the body of your email, please include a brief cover letter addressed to the Voice & Virtue editors, as well as a brief (<50 word) third-person biography. 

Please let us know your name, but should your writing be accepted, you may opt to have the piece(s) published anonymously, or with a pseudonym. Although we believe in freedom of speech and being unashamed in expressing our beliefs to the world, we understand that everyone's circumstances are unique, and we want to make expression as easy as possible for you.

​We should respond to your submission soon, but please give us at least one month before sending an inquiry.

Once a piece of yours has been accepted, we reserve electronic rights as well as the right to archive your work on our website.  After publication, all copyrights revert back to the author, and you may seek reprints elsewhere. Please do credit Voice & Virtue as the original publisher.

We accept reprints. Please let us know the name of the original publisher in the body of your email so that we can credit them. We'd also recommend checking the original publisher's reprint policies before sending a previously published piece our way. 

We also welcome simultaneous submissions. Please note in the body of your email if any of your pieces are being considered elsewhere, and update us accordingly on the status of said pieces. 

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